Tai Chi in the Workplace

Stress and illness costs U.S. businesses approximately 300 billion dollars annually. Companies lose this money and productivity due to employee illnesses and rising healthcare costs that can be prevented. Establishing a workplace Tai Chi program is a cost-effective way to improve the wellness of employees.


A gentle form of meditative exercise, Tai Chi has been proven to combat chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure, conditions that are at near epidemic levels and result in huge healthcare costs. In addition to improving the outcomes of chronic diseases, Tai Chi strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight off colds, flus and viruses. These types of infections occur very frequently and account for absenteeism, which can be very costly to businesses.


Tai Chi is best offered as a voluntary activity for employees during break time or lunch time. This way the activity empowers employees to take positive action to support their health.Tai Chi classes are usually guided by an experienced teacher, and companies will certainly reapsavingsin higher productivity by hiring a professional teacher. If a company is on a tighter budget, an even lower cost method is to use online workouts like ours (click here for our online program). The added benefit of an online program is that employees can continue their workouts into the weekend.


Find out more about how to incorporate a Tai Chi exercise program at your place of  business by contacting me here (click here for contact form).