The Art of Tai Chi Chuan


The Art of Tai Chi Chuan


Tai-Chi was created by a Taoist monk named Chang-San-Feng in the twelfth-century. Tai Chi is based on the Taoist philosophy of Yin and Yang. Some styles of Tai-Chi include the Yang-style, Wu-style, Sun-style, and the Chen-style, just to name a few. Tai-Chi uses solo form training, where you can notice the slow deliberate movements working on having the spine straight as well as breathing. Tai-Chi also includes two man training called, push-hands, weapons as well as self-defense. Tai-Chi can improve a number of health issues. Medical studies in Tai-Chi has shown that it has favorable effects on such conditions as, high-blood pressure, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's and even diabetes. Tai-Chi can improve your balance, your strength, your flexibility, your memory, as well as chronic body pain. We encourage you to practice Tai-Chi everyday for optimal health.

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